FuSE Carbon Technologies

Supporting stratas to obtain and sell low carbon fuel credits from EV charging.


Does your strata supply electricity to EV charging stations? Energy consumption = credits! Credits have value!

Contact our FuSE strata specialist to determine if your strata is eligible for BC Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) credits and Canadian Clean Fuel Regulation (CFR) credits. We are a full-service carbon credit aggregator. We’ll meet all reporting requirements and sell your credits for you.

Clients can log into their FuSE account to see how many credits have been generated and traded, and financial transaction details. The FuSE software platform is a tailored solution to simplify participation and offers a suite of tools and reports. It’s efficient, transparent, accurate, and easy to use. View your revenue details and download financial reports for your council or manager, see credit market data, and much more.

Our BC team offers customer support to get you started and facilitate every step along the way. Contact us to learn more.