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Strata owners’ responsibilities

What are the responsibilities of a strata owner?

Owning a strata lot such as a condo, townhouse, or bare land strata lot, comes with responsibilities. Some are set out by law(*), some are expectations of community living, and some are just being a good neighbour.

  • Pay strata fees and special levies*
  • Be an active member of the strata corporation
  • Volunteer to serve on council
  • Attend and vote at annual and special general meetings (AGMs and SGMs)
  • Attend council meetings as an observer
  • Read minutes of council and general meetings
  • Follow bylaws and rules*
  • Comply with the Strata Property Act (SPA) and Strata Property Regulation*
  • Read the depreciation report
  • If renting a strata lot, be a responsible landlord
  • Inform the strata of your current mailing address if different than the strata lot (Standard Bylaw 4)
  • Repair and maintain your strata lot (Standard Bylaw 2)
  • Provide access to the strata lot for maintenance or inspections such as inspection of smoke alarms (Standard Bylaw 7)
  • Cooperate when access is required during emergencies such as water leaks in strata lots (Standard Bylaw 7)
  • Owner insurance is not required by law but it is recommended
  • Pay the strata’s insurance deductible if you are responsible for damage under the Act or bylaws (SPA s. 158(2))
  • Pay your portion of a special levy to pay the strata’s insurance deductible (SPA s. 158(3))
  • Communicate with the strata council and strata manager (if any) in a professional manner
  • Be reasonable. As the Honourable Mr. Justice Brooke said in BC Supreme Court, “Living in a strata building involves some degree of give and take among neighbours when it comes to noise and other potential nuisances.” Sauve v. McKeage et al., 2006 BCSC 781

What rights does an owner have?

Every strata owner is encouraged to read the Strata Property Act (SPA) and bylaws to understand their rights. The bylaws of the strata corporation may be the Standard Bylaws, amended bylaws filed at the Land Title Office, or a combination of both. Learn more about bylaws. Owners have the right to:

  • Vote at AGMs and SGMs (SPA s. 53)
  • Be elected to council (SPA s. 28)
  • Be informed when council meetings are scheduled (Standard Bylaw 14)
  • Attend council meetings as an observer except for matters such as bylaw contravention hearings (Standard Bylaw 17)
  • Request a hearing at a council meeting (SPA s. 34.1)
  • Be informed of council minutes (Standard Bylaw 19)
  • Inspect or receive copies of certain documents when requested (SPA s. 36)
  • Call a SGM by written demand (SPA s. 43)
  • Make alterations to your strata lot with written approval from council (Standard Bylaw 5)
  • Submit complaints about alleged violations of bylaws and rules (SPA s. 135)
  • Sue the strata corporation (SPA s. 163)
  • Make a claim with the Civil Resolution Tribunal (SPA s. 189.1)
  • and more

Member-only resources

Log in to your account to access the following resources.

  • Request form for strata records and documents
  • Letter template to request a hearing
  • Letter template bylaw complaint by owner or tenant
  • Petition (written demand) for a Special General Meeting
  • Indemnity Agreement for strata lot and common property alterations
  • Strata insurance – a guide for strata councils
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