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Council member code of conduct

Council member code of conduct

With few exceptions, the Strata Property Act (SPA) doesn’t have a mandated code of conduct. However, your council could agree to follow certain principles for fairness and ethics. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

  • I will act honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the strata corporation. (SPA s. 31)
  • I will exercise the care, diligence and skill of a reasonably prudent person in comparable circumstances. (SPA s. 3)
  • I will disclose fully and promptly to the council the nature and extent of any conflict of interest that is a direct or indirect interest in a contract or transaction with the strata corporation, or a matter that is or is to be the subject of consideration by the council. If that interest could result in the creation of a duty or interest that materially conflicts with my duty or interest as a council member, I will also abstain from voting on the contract, transaction or matter. I will leave the council meeting while the contract, transaction or matter is discussed, unless asked by council to be present to provide information, and while the council votes on the contract, transaction or matter. (SPA s. 32)
  • I will approach all strata issues with an open mind, not promote my own interests or favour the interests of any individual or group of owners or residents, family member, friend or contractor to the detriment of the corporation.
  • I will not seek any special benefits or privileges as a council member or accept any compensation except as permitted by a bylaw or passed by a resolution of the owners at a general meeting.
  • I will make a concerted effort to attend all council and general meetings and conduct myself in a respectful, professional, and businesslike manner. I will act ethically and comply with principles of good governance and order.
  • I will treat all council members equally and respect that all council members shall have the opportunity to submit items for the agenda of council meetings. I will abide by decisions made at council meetings by the majority of the council members and decisions made by resolutions passed by owners at general meetings, even though I may disagree. However, I reserve the right to express my own views at meetings and to owners regarding non-confidential issues.
  • I will act responsibly and with due diligence to become familiar with the affairs of the strata corporation and to uphold its bylaws, rules, resolutions, and agreements.
  • I will make a concerted effort to become familiar and comply with the Strata Property Act, Regulations, the strata corporation’s bylaws, Personal Information Protection Act and any other enactment of law. I will continue to educate myself and I will support attendance by one or more council members at informational and educational events presented by a strata education organization at the cost of the corporation.
  • I will not support any resolution of the council which would deny an owner access to information to which that owner is entitled to under section 35 and 36 of the Strata Property Act.
  • I will not disclose personal information protected by the Personal Information Protection Act and will comply with and uphold the strata corporation’s privacy policy.
  • I will not disclose other information obtained in my role as a council member which reasonably ought to be deemed confidential. When in doubt, I will request determination by a resolution of the council.
  • I will not, knowingly, make slanderous, libelous, or defamatory statements about the strata corporation or any owner, resident, council member, manager, staff or contractor of the corporation.
  • I will promote good relations and will attempt to prevent or minimize conflict, harassment, and bullying between council members, owners, residents, managers, staff and contractors.

Member-only resources

Log in to your account to access the following resources:

  • Council member Code of Conduct form
  • Privacy Policy for stratas template
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