Electric Advantage

Electric Advantage
  • Serving Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland
  • Carbon credits aggregator, Consultants, EV charging
  • 168 Prior Street Vancouver V6A 0A6
  • electricadvantage.ca

Professional advisory services to guide and manage your EV charging infrastructure.


Electric Advantage provides professional advisory services to guide and manage electric vehicle charging infrastructure projects for strata corporations and commercial buildings. We help strata councils and owners navigate a wide variety of issues and make informed decisions to achieve the best outcome. As independent advisors, we ensure the strata obtains the best value from its electrical and equipment providers.

Our services include:

Funding support

  • Maximize all available grants, top-ups, and incentives
  • Federal grant writing

Getting to Yes

  • Project review and configuration, coordinating with your electrical contractor
  • Project budgeting, cash flow and configuration analysis
  • Project information and outreach to owners
  • SGM/AGM support for project approval

Project Management

  • We’ll make sure your project goes to plan and within budget
  • Project Management: final configuration, contractor management, competitive Request For Proposal (RFP) process, through commissioning and hand-over

Ongoing management services

  • Annual operational reviews, budget, and recommendations

Carbon Credits

  • Carbon credit administration and trading through our affiliate company, Carbex