Wm. S. Jackson & Associates Ltd.

Wm. S. Jackson & Associates Ltd.
  • Serving all of Vancouver Island
  • Depreciation reports, Insurance appraisals
  • 917A Fitzgerald Avenue Courtenay V9N 2R6
  • www.comoxvalleyappraisers.com

Vancouver Island’s trusted source for insurance appraisals and depreciation reports since 1980.


Jackson & Associates is your most trusted source of appraisal services. We’ve provided consistent, diligent and reliable valuation solutions throughout Vancouver Island and the coastal regions of BC for more than 40 years.

Insurance appraisals:
Our team of AIC*-certified appraisers has significant experience in construction cost valuation, and the expertise to provide insurance appraisals for any type of property. Accurate valuations require an on-site inspection of the structures and amenities, and the utilization of construction plans. An insurance appraisal is a replacement cost analysis which provides an accurate estimate of the amount of insurance required to replace each structure and/or amenity.

Depreciation reports:
We have fully accredited Certified Reserve Fund Planners (CRP) on staff, who have completed a comprehensive course of study on depreciation reports and reserve fund planning by the Real Estate Institute of Canada. A Depreciation Report is a financial planning process to ensure that sufficient funds are available throughout the life of a strata development for the replacement or repairs of the common property elements of the strata corporation. Our reports are detailed, comprehensive and easy to understand.

Call us now at 250-338-7323 or toll-free: 1-877-888-4316.