How to log in to your VISOA profile

How to log in

Your VISOA membership account is your “profile”.

To log in, click on “Member Login” at the top of this website.

  • Enter your email address and password and click “Login”.
  • If you can’t remember your password click “Forgot your password” to reset it.

For a demonstration, watch our video How to log in to your VISOA Member Profile.

If you don’t have a profile yet, see How to create a VISOA profile.


Which email address?

Your VISOA profile has one email address. That is the email address you have to use to log in. If you can’t remember which email address is associated with your profile, try logging in with each email address. You can also click “Forgot your password”. If the email address exists in our database, you’ll get an email to reset your password. If you still can’t log in and you’re a current member, contact us.

Spouses and partners

An individual member can only have one profile. If you are an individual member that co-owns a strata lot, you can tell your spouse or partner the email address and password to log in to your profile.

An associate member does not own a strata lot and can only have one profile.

Multiple profiles

If you own strata lots in more than one strata corporation and each of those stratas is a VISOA corporate member, you can use different email addresses to set up a free profile under each corporate membership. Alternatively, you may have a free profile under a corporate membership and use a different email address to join and pay the fee for an individual membership.

Council officer email address

If you set up a profile with a council email address such as, you won’t be able to log in to that profile when the treasurer changes. If your strata is a corporate member, you can set up a another free profile for yourself at any time using a different email address. Your new treasurer can log in to the original profile and update the name and password. It’s important to keep profiles up-to-date so our Strata Support Team knows who is asking questions.

Strata council email address

Many strata councils have a generic email address for the strata council. Several council members might use that email address to conduct the business of the strata corporation. If a VISOA profile was set up with a generic council email address, one of the other council members might have changed the password.

A best practice is to set up a generic profile using the strata email address such as first name “VIS123” last name “General Email” AND separate profiles for each council member using their own email addresses. See How to create a VISOA profile for more information. When submitting questions to our Strata Support Team, use your personal profile so that our team knows who is asking questions.

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