Workshop Best Practices for Strata Treasurers (Zoom)
9:00 am - 12:00 pm | This Zoom workshop covers all financial aspects of managing your condo, townhouse or bare land strata. The workshop is designed for both self-managed stratas and for those who employ a strata manager. Topics include: Preparing the annual budget Financial reports Banking Contingency Reserve Fund (CRF) contributions, expenditures, and investments[...]
VISOA 2025 AGM and Webinar
1:00 pm | Are you an individual or corporate member of the Vancouver Island Strata Owners Association? If so, you're a voting member and are invited to our annual general meeting (AGM) on Sunday, March 2, 2025 which will be held electronically by Zoom. View or download the AGM notice package. Print the poster for your[...]
How BC Stratas Can Get Low Carbon Fuel Credits for EV Charging
9:00 am | If your condominium or townhouse strata has EV charging stations or is interested in installing them, this webinar is for you! Strata owners, council members, and strata managers are invited to learn how strata corporations can get low carbon fuel credits for EV charging and sell them to help pay the strata's[...]